engagement - interaction someone has with the platform (liking, posting), meme - image/ video (humorous) that is shared on SM (e.g. cat memes, Game of Thrones, babies), follower - someone who tracks/ follows someone else on SM, also a verb ‘to follow/ unfollow someone’, feed - the page that updates regularly showing latest information (you start at the feed), hashtag # - a symbol used with a word or phrase (no spaces) which is a general topic that you want to search for, phishing - trying to cheat people by pretending to be another person to get passwords/ bank details. Usually happens in emails but is happening more and more on SM, e.g. ‘Congratulations!! You’re a winner!’ or ‘Hey, I saw this crazy photo of you.’, cyberbullying - using SM in order to send hateful/ harmful messages to other people, handle - the name that someone is known by on SM, campaign - planned activity to achieve a particular goal, e.g. Facebook campaign to raise money for a cause, Twitter campaign for social justice, DM (direct message) - private message that is sent on SM. Someone might tell their followers to DM them, clickbait - some image or message used to try and get people’s attention to click on your site, viral - an adjective used to describe a post/ video that has become very popular very quickly, troll - person who likes to start arguments in the comments sections on videos/ articles. They may not even believe what they say – they’re just trying to upset people, hater - someone who only says negative things about a video. Different from a troll because haters believe what they say, vlogger - someone who videotapes their lives and shows things they do and what their opinions are on different topics, trending - when something starts to become very popular on SM, influencer - someone who’s popular on SM and promotes products (which they get for free or a reduced price), algorithm - mathematical calculation to decide which content to show you in particular,

Social Media vocabulary






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