1) What is Captain America's shield made out of? a) vibranium b) hard plastic 2) What's the name of the helpful AI Tony Stark invented to replace J.A.R.V.I.S.? a) L.O.V.E b) F.R.I.D.A.Y. 3) Who can lift Thor's hammer? a) SpiderMan b) Captain America 4) What species did Loki discover he is? a) Humans b) Frost Giants 5) Who is Hawkeye married to? a) Laura b) Lady Hawkeye 6) What kind of animal does Captain Marvel befriend? a) cat b) fish 7) What kind of doctor is Dr. Strange? a) veterinarian b) neurosurgeon 8) What museum has a Captain American exhibit? a) Children's Museum b) The Smithsonian

Marvel 4






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