1) eighty-five thousand four hundred a) 12.470 b) 39.500 c) 85.400 d) 3.084 2) twelve thousand four hundred and seventy a) 79.002 b) 12.470 c) 85.400 d) 3.084 3) nine thousand eight hundred and thirteen a) 39.500 b) 9.813 c) 6.060 d) 20.999 4) seventy-nine thousand and two a) 20.999 b) 24.200 c) 18.650 d) 79.002 5) twenty thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine a) 12.470 b) 20.999 c) 13.700 d) 85.400 6) six thousand and sixty a) 87.965 b) 6.060 c) 79.002 d) 9.813 7) three thousand and eighty-four a) 3.084 b) 87.965 c) 20.999 d) 13.700 8) thirty-nine thousand five hundred a) 13.700 b) 87.965 c) 20.999 d) 39.500 9) eighteen thousand six hundred and fifty a) 9.813 b) 24.200 c) 3.084 d) 18.650 10) thirteen thousand seven hundred a) 20.999 b) 39.500 c) 18.650 d) 13.700 11) twenty-four thousand two hundred a) 20.999 b) 13.700 c) 24.200 d) 9.813 12) eighty-seven thousand nine hundred and sixty-five a) 87.965 b) 18.650 c) 6.060 d) 39.500

Numbers to 100,000






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