Visual aid, an object or chart that the audience can see, Deadline, a date or time by which you have to complete something, orientation, a small meeting to introduce new information, trainee, a person who is being taught how to do a particular job, trainer, a person who teaches people in a new position, contractual, related to signing an agreement, micromanage, to manage with too much control, timely, well-timed, happening at a suitable time, tactics, an action or strategy carefully planned to achieve a goal, tactical, an adjective - it means something that has been carefully planned to achieve a goal, performance, how well a task is completed - high/low, management chain, hierarchy; who reports to whom, business plan, a written description of the business idea and how it will be carried out, mission, the most important goals of an organization, vision, an organization's explanation or what their main goal is , marketing strategy, a company's plan that identifies how it will use marketing to achieve its goals, distributor, a person or organization that helps another organization sell its goods to customers, distribution, the buying/selling goods from one organization to another, brokerage , an organization that buys and sells something such as shares in companies or foreign money for other organizations, stocks, shares of ownership in a company (Nikkei in Japan), bonds, a loan from an investor to a borrower such as a company or government; The borrower uses the money to fund its operations and the investor receives interest on the investment, rapport, a positive relationship between people or groups or people,

Business Comm Vocab 4,5







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