1) Which of these characters does not appear in Stave 1? a) Bob Cratchit b) Fred c) Tiny Tim d) Charity workers 2) Scrooge is Fred's... a) Aunt b) Nephew c) Wife d) Uncle 3) How does Scrooge react to being asked to donate money to the poor? a) Favourably b) Defiantly c) Charitably d) Kindly 4) What is Marley's first name? a) Jason b) Jacobi c) Jonathan d) Jacob 5) What does the name Ebenezer mean? a) Right of Passage b) Stone of Help c) Thoughtful Nature d) Miserly ways 6) Why are the chapters called 'Staves'? a) Because the book is a musical b) Because that's what they called chapters in the Victorian era c) Because the word 'chapter' didn't exist when Dickens wrote the book d) Because the book is titled - A Christmas Carol - a carol being a song 7) What kind of book is ACC a) Novella b) Novel c) Play d) Poem 8) Where did Scrooge first see Marley's ghost? a) His doorknocker b) His porridge c) His fireplace d) His staircase 9) What does Bob Cratchit ask of Scrooge? a) More pay b) Extra coal c) A day off d) Donation to charity 10) What does Marley wear that makes him noisy when he moves? a) Necklaces b) Chains c) Heavy boots d) Bells 11) Which word has not been used to describe Scrooge? a) Salacious b) Self-Contained c) Secret d) Solitary 12) Which quote does not describe Scrooge? a) 'Solitary as an oyster' b) 'Hard and sharp as a flint' c) 'The cold within him froze his features' d) 'As dead as a doornail' 13) Which of the following does Scrooge not recommend as ways to treat the poor? a) Kill them b) Send them to workhouses c) Send them to prisons d) Take them to the tread-mill 14) Charles Dickens hopes that his ghostly little book will... a) Scare his readers half to death b) Haunt his readers pleasantly c) Inform his readers about Christmas d) Be enjoyable for his readers 15) Which quote was spoken by Fred? a) 'Are there no prisons?' b) 'Mankind was my business' c) 'I cannot rest, I cannot stay, I cannot linger anywhere' d) 'Fellow passengers to the grave' 16) Why is the clerk, Bob Cratchit, so uncomfortable in the counting house? a) He does not understand his role b) He is very cold c) He is bored d) He wishes he was in charge 17) How many days before Christmas are left when the book begins? a) Three b) Two c) None - it is Christmas d) One 18) Who asks Scrooge to spend Christmas with his family? a) Fred b) Bob Cratchit c) Jacob Marley d) The Charity Workers 19) What is the primary purpose of Jacob Marley?  a) To change Scrooge b) To scare Scrooge c) To warn Scrooge d) To spend time with Scrooge 20) How many spirits will visit Scrooge after Marley departs? a) One b) Three c) Two d) Four

A Christmas Carol Stave 1 Quiz






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