1) Which newspaper has a reputation for being fair and sensible? a) The Times b) The Mirror 2) What media language describes the people or parties in charge of governance? a) Censorship b) Formal mode of address c) Hard news d) Ruling establishment 3) What media language describes serious and important new stories? a) Sensationalism b) Passive c) Formal mode of address d) Hard news stories e) Serif font 4) What describes a line at the head of the newspaper or magazine article carrying the writer's name a) Dateline b) Byline c) Buzz words d) Publisher e) Banner 5) Which newspaper is large format written in longer detail and and focusing on informing without sensationalist detail? a) The Times b) The Mirror 6) Text or caption that gives meaning to an image, article or media product? a) Dateline b) Publisher c) Buzzwords d) Puff e) Anchorage text 7) A small offer or caption offering other things within a print newspaper or magazine? a) Dateline b) Splashead c) Anchorage text d) Puff e) Censorship 8) How many channels were available when Dr Who first came out? a) One b) Two c) Three d) Four 9) What two words are missing from the headline '__________ to _________ the world' a) Law b) Rules c) Lead d) Summit e) Royals f) Save 10) Which newspaper is the above headline from? a) The Mirror b) The Times 11) What two words are missing from the headline 'It's _____ chance on ________' a) Macron b) Heat c) Last d) Chance e) Global f) Save 12) Which newspaper is the above headline from? a) The Mirror b) The Times

Newspapers media terminology






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