antique - made long ago; from the past, baggage - things that get in the way, digest - to understand something; shortened version of previous writing, establish - set up, start, organize, or bring about; to prove beyond doubt, eternal - lasting for all time; with no beginning or end; seeming to be endless, haste - speed or quickness; overeager action, humid - steamy or heavy with moisture; moist or damp, lash - to whip or strike; to scold; to strap down with rope or cord, oppose - to be against, resist, object to; be in direct contrast with, pioneer - a person or group that goes first to explore, open, prepare, or settle an area; to open the way for others to follow, sensible - having good judgment or reason; aware of, worthy - having value or importance; good enough for,

Sadlier Vocab Unit 5- 4th Grade






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