1) 2x1= a) 2 b) 501 c) 3000 d) 8002 e) 99902 f) 720-495-5470 2) how do you spell hi a) h i b) idk c) coo d) smash e) lol f) ezzzzz 3) \do you like word worki a) no b) ye c) prob d) kumalada e) its ok f) john Cena 4) a person who breath a) everyone except dead people b) me c) VR headset d) kumalalda e) Silvester f) oof 5) in gorilla tag what can u do?  a) buy cosmetics and play tag b) say if people want to play minigames c) be toxic d) aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa e) spam report  f) hunt gorilla

this game is ez






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