The sixth member of the alkanes has the formula C6H16 - False, What word is missing from this definition of a hydrocarbon "a molecule made from carbon and hydrogen...." - only, The first alkane member is CH4 - True, What is the name of the process where hydrocarbons are separated from crude oil? - Fractional distillation, What is the name of the process where a liquid is turned to a gas? - evaporation, What is the process called where a gas is turned back to a liquid - condensation, What is the process called where you separate a mixture of liquids - distillation, Which end of the fractionating column is hotter? The bottom or the top? - The bottom, What end of the fractionating column do gas fractions go to? The bottom or the top? - The top, Complete the sentence: An alkane is a saturated ........ - hydrocarbon, True or false: The formula for an alkane is CnH2n - False, Crude oil is a mixture/compound made up for different chemicals - mixture, Alkanes contain only carbon and.... - Hydrogen, How many hydrogen atoms are in an alkane with 17 carbons - 36, How many hydrogens are in an alkane with 5 carbons - 12, How many carbons are in an alkane with 10 hydrogens - 4, What is the name of the first alkane - methane, What is the name of the second alkane - ethane, What is the name of the third alkane - propane, What is the name of the fourth alkane - butane, What is the name of the fifth alkane - pentane, What is the name of the sixth alkane - hexane,

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