1) What do some pirates wear on their eye? a) b) c) 2) What do pirates drink? a) squash b) water c) rum 3) What do pirates eat? a) fruit b) hard tack c) vegetables 4) Are pirates allowed to gamble on board the ship? a) yes b) no 5) What do pirates do in their spare time? a) dance b) sunbathe c) watch football d) watch tv 6) What do pirates wear? a) bandana b) sunglasses c) dress d) scruffy clothes e) posh clothes 7) Which is NOT a pirate punishment? a) marooning b) keel hauling c) beheading d) flogging e) walking the plank 8) What is the quarter master's job on the ship? a) To cook the food b) To steer the ship c) To clean the ship d) To share out the treasure 9) Which of these is NOT treasure? a) gold b) booty c) silver d) jewels e) sand f) spices 10) Where is the galley on the ship? a) dungeon b) cabin c) kitchen d) crow's nest

Pirate facts quiz






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