1) Joan of Arc identified the Dauphin _________________ at the French court when she first arrived a) Jacques b) Edward c) Charles d) Pierre 2) Queen Isabella I is best known for her part in starting the a) Literature Movement b) Spanish Inquisition c) Spanish Civil War d) All of the above 3) Joan of Arc was captured by the _______________and sold off to the Englihs to be tried as a heretic. a) Burgundians b) Armagnacs c) Cauchons d) Caboches 4) In Pride and Prejudice, Lizzie Bennett has too much pride to admit her love for the haughty and rich ______________. a) Mr. Wickham b) Mr. Bingley c) Mr. Collins d) Mr. Darcy 5) Joan of Arc was declared a witch and was ___________ as a result of her trial. a) Hanged b) Beheaded c) Burned at the Stake d) Head cut off by the Guillontine  6) Jane Austen is best known for which work? a) Emma b) Sense and Sensibility c) Mansfield Park d) Pride and Prejudice 7) Queen Marie Anoinette was an excessive woman known for her.... a) Wild affairs b) Lavish parties and dresses c) Quick wit and intelligence d) Ability to effectively run all of France 8) In Austen's novel, Pride and Prejudice, the main character Lizzie Bennett was modeled after... a) Austen herself b) Austen's sister, Cassandra c) Austen's mother d) No one, she was entirely made up by Austen 9) Queen Elizabeth 1 is best known for her.... a) Affairs and relationships with men b) Defeat of the Spanish Armada c) Ability to "fix" the religion issue in England d) All of the above e) None of the above

Unit 2 Assessment






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