bustle - (n) Busy and noisy movement. (v) To move around in a busy, excited way., channel - (n) 1. The bed or path of a river or stream. 2. A groove or cut that allows water to pass through it. 3. A body of water joining two larger bodies of water. 4. A way to carry an electrical signal to a television set., connect - (v) To join or bring together., empire - (n) A number of countries or areas under the control of a single ruler or government., mention - (v) To speak of something without going into a lot of detail., peak - (n) 1. The pointed top of a mountain. 2. Any pointed top., scholar - (n) A person who has studied a subject and knows a great deal about it., settle - (v) 1. To come to rest. 2. To decide about some problem. 3. To live in a place and make it one's home., vehicle - (n) Anything on wheels or runners used to carry people or things from place to place., zigzag - (n) A line that angles as it changes direction from side to side. (v) To change direction at an angle by moving from side to side.,

Wordly Wise Lesson 13






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