1) Being a doctor is a ... job. a) lazy b) overprotective c) chatty d) responsible 2) Ben is very ... . a) lazy b) caring c) honest d) shy 3) The girl is ... . She is afraid of strangers. a) honest b) shy c) friendly d) pessimistic 4) Mum is being ... . a) kind b) shy c) miserable d) overprotective 5) Fred is an ... person. He'll surely get a higher position in the company. a) honest b) ambitious c) caring d) shy 6) You look so ... . Are you in trouble? a) shy b) honest c) miserable d) optimistic 7) We are ... about our cafe. It should be profitable in half a year. a) optimistic b) shy c) friendly d) lazy 8) My colleagues are ... . They are always ready to help. a) lazy b) friendly c) shy d) miserable 9) The nurse is very ... . She is always there for old people. a) lazy b) honest c) ambitious d) caring 10) He is the most ... person I've ever met. He always tells the truth. a) shy b) kind c) honest d) responsible 11) - Here's an apple! - Thank you. It's very ... of you. a) miserable b) responsible c) kind d) pessimistic 12) Fiona is the most ... person I know. She is always talking! a) responsible b) chatty c) ambitious d) caring

People's traits






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