From the topics we covered in this course, which one was the easiest? (give an example), Choose a start point and a destination. Ask your partner for directions.?, What do I do to prepare my classes?, ¿Qué simbolos IPA recuerdas bien? ¿Cuales debes practicar más??, ¿Qué estrayegias vas a year en los siguientes niveles para evitar usar español?, Am I using the platform and doing class preparation?, Do I practice listening or speaking out of my class time? What do I do? How often?, From the topics we covered in this course, which one was the most difficult? How can I review it?, What can I do to improve my vocabulary?, Can I say 5 new words I learned in the last classes?, Choose two partners. Your partner has to describe what they are wearing. , I am wearing ..., Use some and any to describe what you had for breakfast?, mention two activities you cannot do on weekends.On weekends, I cannot ..., Choose a celebrity and describe his/her physical appearance., Revisa la siguiente unidad en el libro. Revisa grammar y crea un ejemplo., Say the ABC., Ask your partner to spell a word for you., Create a question for your partner. Use verb to be., mention two class expressions..

course end







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