Statutory law - Legislative acts declaring, commanding, or prohibiting something. , Common law or case law - The body of law made up of judicial opinions and precedents., Stare decisis - “To stand by the decision,” meaning previous legal decisions are to be allowed., Civil law - Law that deals with noncriminal suits brought to protect or preserve a civil or private matter., Misdemeanor - A minor crime, less than a felony, usually punished with a fine or confinement other than in a prison., Criminal law - Regulation and enforcement of rights, setting the acceptable limits of conduct in society. , Felony - A serious crime, such as murder, punishable by more than one year of imprisonment up to execution. , Probable cause - Situation in which a reasonable and prudent person viewing the available information, would conclude that a crime has been committed and that suspect committed it. , Miranda rights - Rights guaranteed by the constitution that police must tell arrestees about, especially the right to remain silent and the right to an attorney.,

Week 2: Role of Forensic Science Professionals






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