1) which cat do you like most a) b) c) 2) can cats hiss a) no b) yes 3) can cats talk a) yes b) no 4) you rather have a) this cat b) this cat c) this cat 5) can cats eat mice a) yes but if they dont want to they dont have to b) no but if they want to 6) can cats eat rice a) no b) yes 7) can cats cough a) no b) yes 8) did abe have cats a) yes b) no 9) can cats land on their feet a) yes b) no 10) select all cat colors a) pink b) orange c) cyan d) black and white e) black f) green 11) when a man died he gave money to his cat blackie a) false b) true 12) can cats swim a) yes b) no 13) can cats eat chocolate a) yes b) no 14) can cats bake a) no b) yes 15) can cats climb a) no b) yes 16) can cats shed a) no b) yes 17) what is this cat type a) shorthair cat b) siamese cat c) tabby cat 18) which us president had the first siamese cats a) Abraham lincoln b) rutherford hayes c) jfk 19) can cats eat spaghetti a) yeah b) no 20) can cats be brown a) yes b) no 21) can a cat get along with a dog a) yes b) no 22) did james madison have cats a) no b) yes 23) can cats hear louder than us a) yeah b) no 24) which of the following can cats eat a) beans b) fish c) ice cream 25) which of these would you want to have a) this one b) this one c) this one d) this one e) this one f) this one 26) did jfk have cats a) yes b) no 27) can cats purr a) no b) yes 28) does joe biden have a cat a) yes b) no 29) does cats like water a) yes b) no 30) can cats drink orange juice a) yes b) no 31) what type of cat is this a) tabby b) siamese c) russian blue 32) which of the following can cats drink a) gatorade b) grape juice c) water 33) can cats eat this a) no b) yes 34) about how many kittens at a time can a mom cat have a) 1-12 b) 1-20 35) can cats stand up a) yes b) no 36) which cat would you rather have a) this one b) this one c) this one d) this one e) this one f) this one 37) which cat is a russian blue  a) b) c) d) e) f) 38) which breed of cat 99% are females  a) russian blue b) calico c) siamese 39) which cat is this a) tabby b) siamese c) calico 40) can cats throw up a) no b) yeah 41) can cats get along with each other a) no b) yes 42) did clinton have a cat a) no way b) yes way 43) when a cat blinks at you it means it loves you a) true b) false 44) did a cat get elected mayor a) no b) yes 45) does tabby cats have an ''M'' on their head a) yes b) no 46) can cats taste sweets a) no b) yes







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