1) What is the most effective technique to manage stress? a) A. Cognitive behavioral therapy b) B. Exercise c) C. Meditation d) D. Eating healthy 2) What is the best way to relax quickly? a) A. Talking to a friend b) B. Taking a hot bath c) C. Reading a book d) D. Watching a movie 3) What type of activity can help reduce stress? a) A. Listening to music b) B. Deep breathing c) C. Taking a walk d) D. All of the above 4)  What is an effective way of calming down during times of stress? a) A. Praying b) B. Doing yoga c) C. Taking a nap d) D. Doing a crossword puzzle 5) What is one of the most effective techniques to improve your ability to cope with stress? a) A. Learning to say “no” b) B. Avoiding stressful situations c) C. Keeping a journal d) D. Practicing mindfulness 6) What is the best way to boost one's mood? a) A. Eating a healthy diet b) B. Spending time with friends c) C. Having a hobby d) D. All of the above 7) What is the best way to reduce stress in the short term? a) A. Going to the gym b) B. Talking with a friend c) C. Participating in a hobby d) D. All of the above 8) What is the best way to maintain a healthy lifestyle to reduce stress? a) A. Eating healthy b) B. Exercising regularly c) C. Practicing relaxation techniques d) D. All of the above 9) What is the best way to stay organized and reduce stress? a) A. Writing a to-do list b) B. Making a schedule c) C. Setting realistic goals d) D. All of the above 10) What is the best way to manage negative thoughts? a) A. Writing them down b) B. Talking to a friend c) C. Practicing positive self-talk d) D. All of the above

Stress Awareness Quiz





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