Paper chromatography can be used to separate ____ such as the dyes in pen in or food colourings. Paper chromatography has two phases: the ____ phase is the chromatography paper, and the solvent is the ____ phase. Common solvents include water and ____. The method requires you to draw a baseline in ____ near to the bottom of the chromatography paper. Add small dots of your sample(s) to the baseline and let them dry. It's important that you don't use ____ to draw the baseline - due to it containing ink, the ink will separate in the solvent. Add a small volume of solvent to a beaker, ensuring the level of it will sit ____ the baseline when you add your chromatography paper to the beaker. If the samples are submerged in the solvent, they will ____ rather than travel up the paper. Adding a lid to your beaker can prevent ____ of the solvent. The solvent will rise up the paper. When it is nearly at the top, remove the paper and allow it to dry. The level the solvent reaches is called the ____ ____.

Paper Chromatography






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