to run the factories making materials for the war - Why were women needed in the workplace after the war began?, Rosie the riveter - a symbol of women helping the war effort was , rationing - what is the term for limiting the things people can buy, bought war stamps - how did children contribute to the war effort, 25 cents - children could purchase a war stamp for how much money, rubber - what did children collect for the war effort, 18.75 - a war bond could be bought for how much money, they converted to airplane and weapons factories - what happened to automobile and appliance factories once the United States joined ww2, victory gardens - forty percent of vegetables consumed during ww2 were grown in, Eleanor Roosevelt - what public figure planted a garden at the White House , women - with the men away in military service who was used for professional sports , WASP - the women’s organization that delivered newly manufactured airplanes and cargo to the military bases was called , yes - did Americans show support for women baseball players during ww2 , to persuade - what is the purpose of propaganda , Marshall plan - the polices and aid to help Europe recover was called the, four years - how long did it take Western Europe to recover from ww2, United Nations - which peace organization was created immediately after ww2 , to maintain international peace - what is one purpose of the United Nations ,






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