A left-wing politician who has always campaigned for a public health service and state education has a ten-year-old son who is doing badly at his local state school. The private, independent school nearby has a much better reputation for helping students reach their potential. The politician's partner would like to send their son to this school, but the press would be very critical if this happened What would you do if you were the politician and why?, A politician is campaigning on a left-wing platform against an opponent who is much better-funded, and can afford lots of campaign advertising. Unexpectedly, a wealthy businessman offers to fund the politician's campaign, saying that they agree with most of what they stand for. Although the businessman is asking for no favours right now, it is clear that he may want favours in the future.What would you do if you were the politician and why?, At a press conference during an election campaign, a journalist asks a politician if she has ever committed a petty crime - shoplifting, for instance, or speeding. At the back of her mind, the politician recalls being taken to the police station and reprimanded for stealing some chocolate from a shop when she was fourteen. She is tempted, however, to just say no to the question. What would you do if you were the politician and why?, Two politicians who were in the same club together at university find themselves on opposite sides of a hotly-contested election campaign. One of the politicians remembers an example of seriously bad behaviour by the other politician when they were in the club. He knows it would damage his opponent's campaign if it were revealed to the press. What would you do if you were the politician and why?, A politician is flying high in the polls, but a focus group study carried out by her party shows that her policy to ban the sale of all firearms in her country is extremely unpopular with core voters and could, potentially, cost her party the election. At the same time, it is a policy close to her heart which she has always believed in. What would you do if you were the politician and why?, The leader of a political party has asked politicians in her party to support her view on climate change when they next have to vote on closing the country's coal mines. A member of the cabinet who has always been loyal to the leader before disagrees strongly with that policy and doesn't believe in climate change. The politician knows that the leader will win the vote even if he votes against the closure and he expects that he will lose his job. What would you do if you were the politician and why?, Every year, a politician and his family go on holiday to a hot, sunny country where they have a family villa. Unfortunately, however, the leader of that country has recently been very critical of the politician's country, and has threatened a trade embargo. It is already June, and the politician's family is keen to pack for their holiday. What would you do if you were the politician and why?, An old business partner who helped a politician early on in his career now wants his old friend to support a bill that will be good for his business. He wants his friend, who is now an MP in parliament, to use his influence to get a planning application passed. However, the planning application is for a building on a green field site in an area of natural beauty, and building in such places is generally opposed by the politician's party. What would you do if you were the politician and why?.
Political dilemmas
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