Use C to spell /k/ whenever you can - Kiss the Cat, Only use CK right after a short vowel - Milk Truck, Only use TCH right after a short vowel - Catch Lunch, Always spell /kt/ at the end CT - ACT, Words with only one vowel, ending in Z, F, L, or S= Double that last letter - FLOSS, Always spell /ik/ at the end of a multi-syllable word IC - Music Trick, This syllable ends with a vowel - Open , This syllable ends with a consonant - Closed, Y at the end of ONE syllable says /eye/; at the end of TWO says /ee/ - Cry Baby, Long U makes two sounds: /yew/and /ewe/ - Flu Rule, /see/ at the and of a word is (almost) always spelled CY - Fancy Nancy, Three letters at the end of a word that, together, make an unusual sound - Unit,

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