1) What does it mean to be honest? 2) Why is being trustworthy important? 3) When is it difficult to be honest? 4) How does it feel when we are dishonest to others? 5) What problems does lying cause? 6) Is cheating on your homework honest? 7) Should we be honest if it gets us in trouble? 8) Should we admit when we are wrong? 9) Is blaming others honest? 10) Should you return things that you borrow? 11) Is tricking people honest? 12) Is it okay to take something without paying for it at a store? 13) Is it okay to make excuses for our behavior? 14) Should we ask before borrowing something? 15) Is acting like you are sick to stay home from school honest? 16) If we break something, should we let someone know? 17) Should we keep our promises? 18) Do we have to be trustworthy even when no one is looking? 19) Is it okay to cheat while playing games? 20) If we blame others, are we trustworthy?







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