Tabloid/popular newspaper - A newspaper genre that is image led; human interest theme; sub genres include middle market and red top, Broadsheet / quality newspaper - A newspaper genre that is text led; "hard news" theme; might be compact size but traditionally larger, Red top popular newspaper - This sub-genre includes The Sun, The Mirror, The Star, Middle market popular newspaper - This sub-genre includes The Daily Mail, The Express, Byline - The name and job title of the writer of an article, Headlines - The main stories in larger font on the front of a newspaper, Plug - Promotes a feature inside the newspaper, Masthead - The title and logo design of a newspaper, Navigation bar - The menu of subsections in a newspaper website. These might include politics, sport, lifestyle, weather etc. , Typography - The style and design of the lettering used in a newspaper, Live / rolling news - A live newsfeed on a newspaper website that updates throughout the day, Levi Strauss's theory - A narrative theory that looks at the use of binary oppositions in structuring a story, Galtung and Ruge's theory - The theory of news values- what makes a story newsworthy?, Threshold - A news value that describes the size of an event deemed to be newsworthy. , Frequency - A news value that favours rapidly developing stories, Proximity - A news value that favours stories that are close to home. This can be geographical and / or ideological, Composition - A news value that balances different stories on a page to make (sometimes implicit) links, or to balance hard news with human interest, The Times - Our case study newspaper- a quality newspaper with a centre / right, hard news agenda, The Mirror - Our case study newspaper- a red-top popular newspaper with a left-leaning, soft news agenda , Digital convergence - Media products, such as newspapers, have to use a range of platforms such as websites, hard copy and social feeds, Hamburger menu - A hamburger styled navigation bar that hides links from the main webpage, Drop down menu - A navigation bar that is revealed when the user hovers or clicks on it, News UK - The UK section of the media corporation owned by the Murdoch family, Reach PLC - The UK's largest commercial news publisher, which owns The Mirror, Express and Daily Star,

Eduqas A Level News- Media language and news values






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