pungent - a strong, unpleasant smell, upcoming - taking place soon, proclamation - a statement or message about an important matter that everyone needs to know, snickered - laughed in a rude or disrespectful way, theft - the act of taking something that belongs to someone else, inspected - checked it very carefully, sympathetic - kind and understanding about a person's situation, crafty - using clever or tricky ways to get what you want, suspicious - untrusting of someone, reputation - known or remembered for something, risky - possibility of danger, failure, or loss, grunt - low, short sound, crops - a cultivated plant, grown as food, profit - gain, plucked - to take hold of something quickly and remove it from its place, scowl - an angry or bad-tempered expression, tugged - pulled, holler - to give a loud shout,

Folktales, Fables and Fairy Tales-vocabulary






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