Microcontroller - A small programmable computer found in most modern electronic devices., Battery port - Barrel port to connect to a 9V battery, USB 2.0 B - Wire connection to a computer for programming, Input / Output Pins (I/O) - Perform different tasks depending on the pin., Crystal Clock - helps signal the correct timing for functions to be performed, On Board LED (L) - Can be programmed to turn on an off without the need of an external LED, 3.3V and 5V Pins - Provide power, but cannot be programmed, Pins with ~ - Normal digital pins but can also be used for Pulse-Width Modulation (PWM) (i.e. fading an LED in and out.), AREF Pin - for plugging in a power supply with a different reference voltage than 3.3V or 5V, Reset Button - clears the code out of the microcontroller, Analog Pins - Allow switches, buttons, touch screens to be plugged in as inputs, Ground Pins - Where you ground your circuit,

Elements of an Arduino Uno





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