timber - 1. wooded areas with trees that can be used for wood products. 2. Tree trunks that can be cut into planks or boards., flutter - To wave or flap quickly , border - 1. A dividing line between two states or two countries. 2. The edge of something. , cocoon - The silky case that a caterpillar makes to protect itself for a time before it becomes a moth., process - A number of steps that one takes in order to do or make something. , suitable - Fit or right for some purpose or event., nectar - A sweet liquid produced by many flowering plants. It is used by bees to make honey., span - 1. The distance or a section between two objects or supports. 2. A period or length of time. 3. To stretch from one side to the other., moisture - A small amount of liquid, often in the form of small drops., average - 1. The usual amount or kind of something. 2. The result of adding a set of numbers and then dividing the total by the number in the set.,

Wordly Wise Lesson 4 Vocabulary






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