1) dis a) not b) wrong c) smaller or below 2) in a) middle b) not c) before 3) non a) middle b) not c) across 4) un a) middle b) over the top/too much c) not 5) mis a) wrong b) over the top/too much c) not 6) sub a) not b) over the top/too much c) smaller or below 7) re a) again b) before c) not 8) pre a) again b) before c) wrong 9) inter a) between b) before c) wrong 10) mid a) between b) before c) middle 11) over a) over the top or too much b) before c) again 12) up a) over the top or too much b) direction c) again 13) trans a) between b) direction c) across 14) im a) not - use anytime b) not - use with words that start with m c) not - use with words starting with m, p, b 15) ir a) not - use anytime b) not - use with words that start with r c) not - use with words starting with m, p, b 16) semi a) partly b) many c) one 17) bi a) one b) two c) three 18) tri a) one b) two c) three 19) multi a) two b) many c) three

Prefixes in Books 5, 6, 7, 8






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