Surface Tension : Objects that are denser than water, like needles, razor blades, and mosquito eggs, can float on water, Insects like water striders can walk on water because their weight, Property of water that is caused by strong hydrogen bonds between water molecules, bridge the pores in tent materials to make them rainproof, Cohesion: Property of water that describes the stickiness of water molecules to other water molecules, Droplets are added to a penny, they form a dome on top, Creates water waves in oceans, The natural shape of a water drop is a sphere or ball, which occurs when a water molecule is surrounded by other water molecules on all sides, Adhesion: water to move against gravity through small vessels in capillaries in our blood, adhesion allows water to stick to plant tissue, which allows water to stick to other substances, Water sticking to dishes,

Savvas 3.2






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