Science fiction - It's a type of film or book that often has spaceships. Aliens often appear in it. Star Wars is an example, Animation - It is a film that is often but not always for kids. They can sometimes be called cartoons. For example Shrek, A musical - A movie that has a lot singing and dancing, A horror movie - They play on your fears and include themes such as ghosts, witches and zombies. They can have a lot of blood and gore. , Action - They are fast paced movies often with physical flighting, rescues, and car chases., Historical drama - They are set in the past - for example in the twenties, during WWII etc. Dunkirk is an example., A thriller - These movies keep you on the edge of your seat and play on the elements of suspense and surprise, A comedy - Light hearted and designed to make you chuckle, A biopic - A movie that dramatizes the life of a non-fictional character, Fantasy - These are movies which often have magic, supernatural themes or folklore. Harry Potter is a well-known example of this kind of genre., Romantic comedy - A humorous movie whose central plot is a happy love story, A documentary - A non-fictional film intended to educate or instruct. They can cover any number of topics from nature, to health, faith or politics etc.,

Film genres 1






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