1) You can’t be too dumb for this program but you can’t be too smart. Don't overcomplicate it. 2) Who you are is not your fault, but it is your responsibility. 3) I came for my drinking and I stayed for my thinking. 4) t’s none of your business what someone else thinks about you. 5) When you are in your own lane, there is no traffic. 6) The definition of insanity is joining a 12 step program and not doing the steps 7) Sobriety is a journey .... not a destination 8) Every morning is Christmas and every night is thanksgiving. 9) Get out of self and get into God. 10) My mind would have killed me a long time ago but it needed me for transportation. 11) FEAR - FALSE EVIDENCE APPEARING REAL 12) God is now doing for me what I couldn’t do for myself. 13) First things first. 14) Just be nice. 15) Nothing changes if nothing changes. 16) WORK WORK WORK 17) Stick with the winners. 18) Just for today. 19) This too shall pass. 20) Just stay. Don't leave before the miracle happens. 21) Oh give up the fight and pick up a white. 22) Keep coming back. 23) Poor me... poor me... pour me another drink. 24) 1 day at a time. 25) Stick and stay. 26) Keep it simple. 27) Don't drink, go to meetings, ask for help. 28) Progress not perfection. 29) Expectations are resentments in training! 30) If I don't change my sobriety date will. 31) Gods train is slow but it is always on time. 32) Thank God for AA and thank AA for God. 33) GOD, good orderly Direction. 34) If it works .... don't fix it 35) Easy does it. 36) Anger is one letter away from danger. 37) Let Go Let GOD. 38) Overcome alcoholism with hope and determination. 39) Hope, hold on pain ends. 40) Struggling with the first drink. 41) To thine own self be true. 42) Why, we help you. 43) But for the grace of God. 44) Think ... Think ... Think ... 45) I can't .... he can .... i think i'll let him (steps 1,2,3). 46) Don't cosign bullsh**. 47) Don't let your past eat up your present. 48) act as if .... 49) Kiss: keep it simple stupid 50) AA = altered attitudes

AA Slogans







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