Franchise - A series of films based on an original idea or an adaptation of, for example, a book., Distributor - The company that markets the film and organises the distribution of the film to cinemas and for DVD release., Hollywood Studios - These major studios have large budgets to spend on films., Teaser - A poster or web advert that initiates interest in a film., Montage - A collection of different images edited together in one place., Billing Block - The list of the main cast and crew members, such as star actors and directors., Ensemble Cast - A group of actors who have more or less equal roles in production: there is not always a main protagonist or star., 'Tentpole' Film - A very high-budget film, usually from a major producer, expecting large audiences., High-concept - Emphasis on a striking but easily communicable central premise, designed to have a wide audience appeal., Rule of Thirds - A framing technique - if a frame is divided into a 3-by-3 grid,objects along the lines or at the intersections have dominance.,

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