1) Mr. Putter and Mrs. Teaberry were a) cousins b) neighbors c) doctors d) travellers 2) He gave her a _________________ and she gave him an eggplant. a) pear b) potato c) box of dog treats d) kiwi 3) Tabby was the name of his a) parrot b) dog c) cat d) fish e) hamster 4) Zeke was the name of her a) son b) dad c) cat d) dog e) hamster 5) Mrs. Teaberry a) jumped b) fell c) ran d) screamed e) laughed 6) How long was she unable to walk Zeke? a) 1 week b) 7 days c) 5 days d) 10 days e) 1 month 7) Mr. Putter was a) helpful b) kind c) mean d) angry e) nice f) scared

Mr. Putter Chapter 1



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