Singular Possessive Nouns: Mike's ball, the fish's fins, Joe's house, the backpack's zipper, the tree's leaves, the boy's friends, my dog's collar, Mollie's new crayons, the dancer's costume, the snail's shell, the collar's buckle, the book's pages, the horse's mane, Sarah's yellow ribbons, Adam's soccer ball, Samantha's twin sister, Plural Possessive Nouns: the trees' leaves, the butterflies' wings, the silkworms' cocoons, the Smiths' house, the birds' nest, the boys' room, the kids' balloons, the teachers' lounge, the actresses' movies, the stores' lights, the toys' batteries, the teams' swimmers, the horses' barn, the plants' blossoms, the fireflies' lights, the bicycles' tires,

Possessive Nouns - Singular and Plural Possessives



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