1) مجھے فٹبال کھیلنا ہے.  a) I want to go to Disney. b) I want to play soccer. c) I want to watch cartoons. d) I want play cricket 2) مجھے ڈزنی جانا ہے.  a) I want to play soccer. b) I want to eat chicken. c) I want to go to Disney. d) I want to watch Disney 3) مجھے ڈزنی دیکھنا ہے.  a) I want to watch Disney. b) Do you want to watch Disney? c) I want to go to school. d) I want to go to Disney. 4) مجھے کارم کھیلنا ہے.  a) I want to play carom. b) Do you want to eat almonds? c) Do you want to go to Disney? d) I want to play cricket. 5) مجھے کرکٹ کھیلنا ہے  a) Do you want to eat almonds? b) Do you want to play cricket? c) I want to play soccer. d) I want to play cricket. 6) مجھے چکن کھانا ہے.  a) I want to watch cartoons. b) I want to eat chicken. c) I want to watch Disney. d) Do you want to play cricket? 7) مجھے اسکول جانا ہے.  a) I want to go to school. b) Do you want to go to school? c) Do you want to go to Disney? d) I want to play cricket. 8) مجھے کارٹون دیکھنا ہے  a) Do you want to go to Disney? b) I want to watch Disney. c) Do you want to play cricket? d) I want to watch cartoons. 9) مجھے بادام کھانا ہے.  a) I want to eat almonds. b) I want to watch Disney. c) I want to go to Disney. d) Do you want to eat chicken? 10) مجھے بادام کھانا ہے؟  a) I want to watch Disney. b) Do you want to eat almonds? c) I want to play cricket. d) I want to watch cartoons. 11) آپ کو چکن کھانا ہے؟  a) Do you want to eat chicken? b) I want to go to school. c) I want to eat almonds. d) I want to eat chicken. 12) آپ کو ڈزنی جانا ہے؟  a) I want to play cricket. b) Do you want to go to Disney? c) I want to go to school. d) I want to eat chicken. 13) آپ کو کرکٹ کھیلنا ہے؟  a) I want to eat almonds. b) Do you want to play cricket? c) I want to play soccer. d) I want to play cricket.

2.3 Ask & Answer with verbs QUIZ



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