genetics - the science of heredity - how traits are inherited, homozygote - an organism with two alleles of the same type, heterozygote - an organism with two different alleles, allele - different version of a gene; ex. Tall or short, dominant allele - if present, controls the appearance of a trait, recessive allele - allele that is not expressed in a heterozygote; "weaker", hybrid - the offspring of cross-pollination, pollination - fertilization process in the sexual reproduction of plants, genotype - the alleles an individual inherits; the gene pair, phenotype - the expression of an organism’s genotype; physical appearance, heredity - passing traits from parents to offspring, Punnett Square - tool used to predict the results from crossing two sets of alleles, Gregor Mendel - Austrian monk, discovered basic rules of heredity,

Mendel & Genetics Vocab


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