1) When we use clues from the text and our background knowledge to figure out what is NOT being said a) Fiction b) Poetry c) Inference d) Summary e) Theme 2) What is a story that is made up by an author a) Fiction b) Biography c) Nonfiction d) Poetry e) Autobiography 3) What do you use to prove an answer by using the story to support your idea a) Text Evidence b) Inference c) Summary d) Theme e) Biography 4) A story that is real and based on facts a) Theme b) Text Evidence c) Fiction d) Nonfiction e) Summary 5) A type of writing that appeals to the senses and feelings. It is written in lines and stanzas a) Autobiography b) Poetry c) Theme d) Fiction e) Nonfiction 6) A story written about someone's life written by someone else a) Theme b) Poetry c) Biography d) Text Evidence e) Autobiography 7) The message or lesson that the author wants you to take away from the story a) Theme b) Drawing Conclusions c) Nonfiction d) Inferences e) Summary 8) A decision or opinion you reach based on the information from the story. a) Fiction b) Drawing Conclusions c) Poetry d) Theme e) Biography 9) To retell the main events (BME) of a story using your own words. a) Biography b) Theme c) Text Evidence d) Inference e) Summary 10) A story about someone's life written by that person. a) Poetry b) Fiction c) Inference d) Autobiography e) Drawing Conclusions
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3rd Grade
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