1) Я знаю его много лет. a) I have known him for many years b) I know him for many years. 2) Курс доллара увеличивается. a) The dollar rate is increasing. b) The dollar rate increases. 3) У меня эта машина с 2016 года a) I have this car since 2016. b) I've had this car since 2016. 4) Люди поменяли свое отношение к интернету. a) People have changed their attitude to the Internet. b) People change their attitude to the Internet. 5) Я читаю прекрасную книгу. a) I read a great book. b) I am reading a great book. 6) Я не видела его несколько дней. a) I haven't seen him for a few days. b) I don't see him for a few days. 7) Рождаемость в Европе падает. a) Birth rate in Europe is decreasing. b) Birth rate in Europe decreases. 8) Я живу в Киеве 5 лет. a) I live in Kyiv for 5 years. b) I've lived in Kyiv for 5 years. 9) Каждый нуждается в друге. a) Everyone has needed friends.  b) Everyone needs friends. 10) Мне надо сейчас сьездить в банк. a) I need to go to the bank now. b) I'm needing to go to the bank now. 11) Она ищет новую квартиру. a) She looks for a new flat. b) She is looking for a new flat. 12) Сейчас он хочет мороженое. a) He is wanting an ice cream at the moment. b) He wants an ice cream at the moment. 13) Мы друзья несколько месяцев. a) We have been friends for a few months. b) We are friends for a few months. 14) Нам никогда не надо терять друг друга. a) We never need to loose touch. b) We have never needed to lose touch.

Present Simple,Present Perfect or Present Continuous?



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