Agricultural and Population Density - The number of farmers per unit of arable farmland, Antinatalist/Restrictive Population Policies - Policies that restrict the number of children people have , Arithmetic Density - Number of people in a given unit of area, Asylum Seekers - Refugees who have left their home for variety of reasons seeking shelter in a new country, Baby Boomers - People born in the years 1946 to 1964 Largest population group in America, Baby Bust - Followed baby boom in 60’s and 70’s where fertility rates dropped, Cairo Plan - United Nations plan to decrease world wide fertility rate in the 1970’s, Carrying Capacity - The number of people an are can sustain with out critically staring the resource base, Chain Migration  - Family moves first others family members follow way to create legal migration flow, Channelized Migration - Movement from Texas to California flows due to original ease to barriers of entry, Chronic Illnesses - Illnesses that are long lasting and not alway curable, Contagious Illnesses - Illness that can be contacted person to person, Cohort - a group of individuals that share common demograpics, Crude Birth Rate (CBR) - Number of children born per 1000 people in a population, Crude Death Rate - The number of people who die per 1000 population ,




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