1) "I'm tired". She said she ___ tired a)  is b) was c) will be 2) "I'm going to the cinema". He said he ___ to the cinema. a) was going b) is going c) had gone 3) "They haven't bought this house". I said that they ___ that house. a) haven't bought b) didn't buy c) hadn't bought 4) "We will be late". We said we ___ late. a) would be b) will be c) are going to be 5) "She overslept for school". He said that she ___ for school a) have overslept b) did overslept c) had overslept 6) "Are you hungry?". Grandma asked ___ I ___ hungry. a) whether / am b) whether / was c) if / had been 7) "I can't swim very well". I said I ___ very well. a) couldn't swim b) can't swam c) can't swimming 8) "This film isn't a waste of time". He said that film ___ a waste of time. a) isn't b) wasn't c) won't be 9) "I didn't make dinner today". My mum said she ___ dinner that day. a) hadn't made b) haven't make c) haven't made 10) "Could you stop being so annoying, please?". His daughter asked him ____ being so annoying. a) if he could stopped b) if he could stop c) if he stopped 11) "You can't go out tonight". My mum said I ___ out that night. a) couldn't go b) can't go c) couldn't went 12) "You should get in the car". The policeman ___ that he ___ get in the car. a) said him / should b) told to him / should c) told him / should 13) "Will you come closer, child? The old man asked ___ the child ___ closer. a) if / would to come b) if / to come c) if / would come 14) "I always go camping during summer". He said he always ___ camping during summer. a) gone b) did go c) went 15) "Were you going out back then?" She asked him ___ they ___ back then. a) if / had been going out b) if / were going out c) whether / had gone out

Reported Speech



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