1) Cooperation a) people working together to do something b) try to do something c) made or built 2) Attempt a) Clumsy and not graceful b) try to do something c) shy and not brave 3) Awkward a) made or built b) shy and not brave c) clumsy and not graceful 4) Created a) made or built b) shy and not brave c) took part in something 5) Furiously a) get in the way b) in a way that shows you are very angry c) took part in something 6) Interfere a) took part in something b) made or built c) get in the way of something 7) Involved a) took part in something b) shy and not brave c) made or built 8) Timid a) try to do something b) shy and not brave c) get in the way

Wonders Grade 3 Unit 2 Week 1 Vocabulary



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