1) __________. Intro (2 min): T explains activity and models choosing pictures. T then models talking about one of the pictures. a) WC b) Solo c) PW d) GW 2) __________. Choose the pics (3 min): Ss move around the room looking at the pics on the table and choosing two a) WC b) Solo c) PW d) GW 3) __________. Talk w/partner 1 (5 min): Ss take turns talking about themselves and why they chose that picture. a) WC b) Solo c) PW d) GW 4) __________. Share about Partner (5 min): T models sharing a sentence or two about the partner. Other Ss share with the whole class a) WC b) Solo c) PW d) GW

Magazine Picture Mingle Steps


비주얼 스타일


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