1) Between or among the nations of the world. a) The Ocean b) Intermission c) International d) Intersection 2) The point at which two lines or roads meet and cut across each other. a) Interrupt b) Intersection c) Munn Road d) Intermingle 3) A period during which action temporarily ceases; an interval between periods of action. a) Intersection b) A Commercial c) Outermission d) Intermission 4) Manual Bonus Round. a) Choose this one b) Actually this one c) They're correct but this one has double points d) Not this one 5) Come between something so as to prevent or alter a result or coarse of events. a) Intermingle b) Internet c) Intervene d) CATAPULT THE CHEESE 6) To mingle, one with another; intermix. a) Intermix b) Intermingle c) STOCK ON MORE CHEESE d) Talking 7) To break off or cause to cease; as in the middle of something. a) YEET THEE CHEZ b) Intergalactic c) Interrupt d) Intersection e) -Rupt f) EAT THE CHEZ 8) What does Inter- mean a) Among/Between b) Not/Apart c) To Break d) Among Us

Puddles Suffixes Inter-



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