erect - to build or raise up, radiant - shining or giving off light; beaming, as with joy, stunning - having striking beauty or excellence, colossal - huge, fashion - to make, build, or shape, towering - reaching a height above others, ruthless - cruelly; showing no mercy, incredibly - unbelievably, complex - complicated or composed of many parts, drift - to wander, ingeniously - cleverly inventive, steadily - constantly without change, crucial - important; essential, durable - long lasting, fortunately - luckily, impressive - awesome, bellow - to give a loud, deep roar, cordially - in a friendly manner, emerge - to come out and into view, vigorously - forcefully or energetically, anticipate - to see ahead of time, content - satisfied with what one has or is, envy - a feeling of wanting what someone else has, gasp - a sudden breath due to surprise or difficulty breathing, cunningly - slyly, cleverly, gape - to stare with open mouth, as in wonder, penetrate - to break or pass into, resolutely - with determination, despair - loss of hope, extol - to praise highly, plead - to beg, prudently - showing wise judgment, adept - skillful, cherish - to hold or treat as dear, evolve - to change or develop gradually, vast - covering a large area; immense, anoint - to sprinkle or smear with an oily liquid often as part of a religious ceremony, extract - to take out, prestigious - highly respected, renowned - famous for something, devastating - causing ruin, diverse - of different kind or sorts, divulge - to disclose or reveal, momentous - of far reaching important, ecstatic - full of joy, intrigued - fascinated or captivated, petrified - motionless with fear or horror, stroll - to walk leisurely, adorn - to decorate, careen - to sway or lean while moving, confidently - sure of oneself, distress - to cause great worry or pain, retrieve - to get back; to recover, scour - to look carefully over an area in search of something, sinister - evil; wicked, tentative - unsure or hesitant,
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