1) Which of the five mobs below can fly? a) Blaze b) Spider c) Skeleton d) Hoglin e) Piglin 2) Which update was the Village and Pillage update. a) 1.17 b) 1.16 c) 1.13 d) 1.18 e) 1.14 f) 1.12 3) Which block is the hardest out of the five given blocks. a) Cobblestone b) Oak Planks c) Obsidian d) Endstone e) Nether Brick 4) True or False: You can trade gold with zombies to obtain items a) True b) False 5) Which tools are the most durable and powerful a) Iron b) Wood c) Diamond d) Stone e) Netherite f) Fist 6) In how many dimensions can endermen spawn in? a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 9 e) None f) 8 7) Which mob is not included in Minecraft? a) Sheep b) Zombie c) Parrot d) Whale e) Dolphin f) Wither 8) In Minecraft is it possible fly in survival mode? a) Yes by clicking jump twice b) Yes by riding a plane c) Yes by Eleytra d) No Creative only e) No never! 9) Did you like the quiz? a) Yes b) No c) Mabye d) IDK

Minecraft Quiz


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