If you get a raise, what might you do with the extra money?, Think of a current trend in your field of work. Tell your group about this trend. What will happen if this trend continues?, How will you respond if a coworker asks you to go out after work?, If your boss asks you to put in overtime this week, will you do it? Why or why not?, What are you currently working on? What will you do if you run into problems?, What might happen if your department hires more people?, What would you do if you were independently wealthy and didn’t have to work?, If you started your own business, what would you have to get used to?, If you could change one thing about your current job, what would it be?, If you gave a graduation speech to a group of college graduates, what would you say to them? What advice would you have for people about to enter the workforce?, If you didn’t have your current job, what do you think you might be doing instead?, If you were offered a promotion and a 15% raise but you knew that you’d have to work late every night, would you accept the promotion?, Who helps you the most at work? What would it be like if you didn’t work with this person?, What do you think might happen if you didn’t get along with the people you work with?, If you had an extra two hours of time every day, what could you do with the time?, What kinds of perks does your employer offer? If your company decided to take away these benefits, how would people feel? What do you think would happen?, What is a skill you don’t have (but would like to have)? What would be different if you possessed this skill?, What is your best character trait? What would be different if you didn’t possess this characteristic?, If you took a career break for a year, what would you do with the time?, If you could eliminate one company policy, what policy would you eliminate? What would the result be? If you could implement one company policy, what policy would you implement? What would the result be?, If you had $1,000,000 dollars to invest, how would you invest it? Why?, If you could have dinner with anyone in your field, who would you have dinner with? What would you ask this person?, Who has always been there and supported you? What might your life be like if you didn’t have this person’s support?, What technology makes your job easier? What would your job be like if you didn’t have these technologies?, If you had fewer meetings, do you think you’d be more or less productive? Why?.

Conditionals 1,2 Business English



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