1) Where does our Memory verse this week come from? a) 1 Peter 2:24 b) 1 Peter 3:24 c) James 2:4 2) What do we Celebrate at Easter? a) Jesus' resurrection from the dead b) Jesus was born c) Jesus giving us how we should live 3) Where does it say Jesus bore our sins? a) In His own body on a tree. b) Jesus died c) Jesus rose again 4) What is the tree the bible is talking about (on a tree) a) The cross b) The sycamore tree c) The dogwood tree 5) Because Jesus died on the cross, we can be dead to what? a) Sins b) Ourselves c) Pride 6) And we can live to what? a) Righteousness b) Do more for ourselves 7) How did the Spirit of God descend, or come down upon him? a) Like a dove b) Like a fish c) Like a flower 8) What did the Father in heaven call Jesus? a) His beloved Son b) His holy spirit

Sharing the Real Jesus



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