1) The Roman army that was part of the patrician class and used horses to fight.  a) calvary b) infantry c) camelrons d) plebeians 2) The part of the Roman army made up of plebeians that fought on foot. a) calvary b) infantry c) percy jackson d) centuries 3) The Roman army was organized into large groups of 3,000-6,000 men called a) patricians b) consuls c) legions d) centuries 4) The Roman republic had two leaders to make sure there wasn't one dictator. These were called ___________ a) senators b) assemblymen c) patricians d) consuls 5) 300 men of the rich Romans served on the a) consuls b) Assembly c) Senate d) president 6) This group was formed to represent the plebeian class. a) patricians b) consuls c) Senate d) Assembly 7) In Rome males wore a) togas b) branches c) sams d) alps

Roman republic



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