to contaminate - to make something less pure or make it poisonous, to be on the menu - a list of the dishes served at a meal, esp. in a restaurant, to clog - to cause something to become blocked or filled so that movement or activity is difficult, to get stuck - to be unable to move further., dehydrated food - types of food that have been dried to remove most of their natural moisture in order to preserve the food, thus reducing the potential problems which can occur as fresh foods mold or become fermented., rinseless shampoo - product designed or labeled solely to be applied to hair that is dry to clean, absorb oil, or eliminate odor, and is subsequently removed from the hair by combing, brushing, or toweling the hair., do’s and don’ts - rules about how people should and should not behave, to get some z’s - to take a nap, to sleep, to be on the same page - in agreement agreeing about something (such as how things should be done), about what you are trying to achieve, Coordinated Universal Time - the international standard of time that is kept by clocks around the world, to relieve yourself - to pass waste from the body : urinate., to spring a leak - to suddenly let water in or out through a crack or break,



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