Decimal System - A numbering system that uses ten digits, 0 through 9., Binary System - A numbering system that uses two digits, 0 and 1., Hexadecimal - A numbering system that uses sixteen digits, 0 through 9, and A through F., Bit - The smallest unit of digital information, represented by a 1 or 0., Byte - A group of eight bits joined together., Digital Data - A physical signal, such as text, numbers, graphics, or sound , interpreted by converting it into binary numbers., Encoded Integers - The representation of integers using a group of bytes. Normally, one bit in one of the bytes represents the sign, 1 for negative and 0 for positive. The remaining 31 bits are used to encode the number itself using binary digits., Encoded Text - The representation of text by assigning a unique binary code to each character., Processor Speed - The speed at which a computer processes information, as measured by the number of cycles per second (Hertz) that the computer's CPU operates at. ____ is measured in kilohertz, megahertz, and gigahertz., Storage Space - The measurement in bytes of the volume that a storage device can contain. Storage space is measured in kilobytes (1024 bytes), megabytes (1024 kilobytes), gigabytes (1024 megabytes), and terabytes (1024 gigabytes)., Throughput - The measurement in bits per second that information is transferred through a network from one computer to another. ____ is measured in Kbps (kilobits per second), Mbps (megabits per second), and Gbps (gigabits per second)., ASCII - ____ the most common format for text files in computers on the internet where each character is represented by a unique 7-bit binary code. Extended ____ uses an 8-bit binary code and allows for international characters., Unicode - An international 16-bit encoding standard that accommodates character sets from multiple languages, with each letter, digit, or symbol being assigned a unique numeric value.,
2.3 Digital Data
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