1) People ........ like books often go to the library. a) who b) which c) whom d) whose 2) He needs someone ....... he can trust. a) who b) which c) whom d) whose 3) Cats are animals ...... have soft fur and sharp claws. a) that b) whom c) which d) who 4) I have a friend ....... mum is a doctor. a) Who b) Whom c) Whose d) Which 5) The garden, ......... was full of blossoming flowers, overlooked the hill. a) Where b) That c) Who d) Which 6) My friend, ......... I've known for years, came to my house today. a) Who b) Whom c) Whose d) That 7) The leisure Centre, ......... I go swimming, is just across town a) When b) That c) Where d) Which 8) I collect stamps, many of ........ are vintage a) Where b) That c) Which d) When 9) She is definitely the one, ... I want to spend the whole life with. a) who b) when c) where d) which

Relative clause Revision B1+



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